I had some wool and wanted to do something, so I can go shoping for a new stash. This scarf is very simple and fast to do.
1. Make a chain as long as you want, but /4.
2. row: make 3 st. chain and stitch it into every 4-th stich (picot), and so on till the end of the row.
3., 4.,... crochet as many rowes as you like.
Crochet, at each side of the scarf, chains 40 st. long, stitch the chain back into the scarf, and so on.
This is thick woolen thread and while crocheting a rose I have realised I have to change something so it can look like a rose. I made second half of the rose using picot 10 st. long.
Sew all together, and make aditional crochet ring so you can pull the scarf through that ring.
Broj komentara: 6:
uuu, a kako si ružu? nisam skontala, a baš mi je fiiiina
Ruža: lančić djeljiv s 4., 2.red: lančić od 3 očice "ubosti" u svaku 4.očicu, tako se dobije trakica s očima, u svako "oko" 7 štapića s 1 navojem. Tako se napravi pola ruže, a 2./2 se umjesto štapića naprave nizovi lančića od 10 punata ili više,stanu po 4 u 1 oko. Ovako sam radila jer je vuna jako debela, više sam pipala s kukicom nego gledala.
jel'te stvarno mama rodila?
Možda me iskukičala?!:))))
To ne, ali singerica je nešto petljala
thank you.. kisses andhugs from Brasil.
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