12. lipnja 2016.

Hand Embroidered Cosmetic Zipper Pouches

Hello everyone! 
Nice morning today here, should be raining but it is sunny Sunday!
As I promised you and myself, I am presenting my hand embroiderd cosmetic pouches or purse organizers.
I am discovering how to sew, so far just little things, practical things that make life more organized. I mostly recycle fabric, you know, clothes that is in your wardrobe for years because ... well I can´t even remeber why. Oh, yeah, so I can bring new life into it. 

Hand embroiderd lavender purse organizer - pencil case - cosmetic pouch. Here in Croatia, it is lavender season and it is everywhere, we are adding it everywhere and on everything from food to cosmetics. Love it in my linen makes me sleep better.

The other pouch is with embroidered traditional sail boat on the sea. Not bad for first kittens?

Aaand box cosmetic bag. When I was watching tutorials looked complicated, but I have found my way. In my experience you can watch a few tutorials and than try to make it, but most importantly is to make it the way that is the most comfortable for your self.

This is tutorial from whitch I have started, and from this web site I usually start when I look for some advice. 
I hope it will be helpful for you as it is for me!
Love you!

17. svibnja 2016.

One little step...

Hello everyone, old and new crafty friends!
Looks like my blog has life of its own, goes further away without me :)!
Well, lot of bad things happened to my family and me, but I´m still here and standing.
I am sewing lately, rather than crocheting, although crocheting is still my oasis of peace and relaxation. And wish to make some things, try new challenges...
But a wish list is nothing but a wish list, so I have renamed it into to DO list. Cheked my existing resources and decided to go for it. To be more honest, I have decided to wiat for no one and nothing, simply to go. Where? Away from things and people that suck life out of me.
One of the things on to do list is bringing life back into this blog. Luckily it is  though creature! It makes me happy and grateful that I´m moving in direction I want to.
So, let´s make one little step forward!

Recycled denim cosmetic pouch with embroidery  of traditional sailboat. Exploring what can I make from recycled clothing, in fact I´m learning to sew! Making simple projects, like pouches, baskets... you will see!
 Love what you do, do what you love. DO is important word here!
     <3 Amalicro <3

25. prosinca 2014.

Merry Christmas!

Čestit Božić u zdravlju i sreći, s obitelji i prijateljima, želim vam svima!

Very Merry Christmas in good health with family and friends!

<3 Amalicro

22. svibnja 2014.

Rosette & Crochet

Svako ljeto kada turisti opsjedaju Šibenik s kamerama i snimaju ljepote moga grada, padalo mi je na pamet da probam iskukičati neke od prekrasnih kamenih ukrasa, posebno onih na Katedrali Sv. Jakova. Odlučila sam krenuti s rozetom.

So many turists every year discover Šibenik and its beauties, but I have decided to discover is it possible to crochet some of decorative stone ornaments, esspecially rosettes. The rossete on Cathedral of St.James was my first “model”.

Izabrala sam kukicu 1,5 mm, da ne bude ni debelo ni tanko i krenula sam: malo kukičanja, malo paranja, pa kukičanje, sve dok mi nije sinulo koje bodove izabrati kako bi rozeta nalikovala na rozetu.

So I took crochet hook 1,5 mm and some beige cotton thread and my experiment has begun. Well, it didn´t go well at once, took some crocheting and riping and crocheting untill my hook started to sing.


Zapravo je jednostavno. Treba napraviti duge štapiće sa 7 navoja, a bobiće sam izabrala da glume vijenac.

It is easy: few very long “sticks”: yarn over hook 7 times, and for garland I chose popcorn stitch.


No, tu nije kraj priče. Zanimalo me kako će izgledati s kukicom 0,5 mm, a također sam željela napraviti rozetu da bude što sličnija modelu. Započela sam s cvijetom od 6 latica, vijenac od bobića, pa dugi štapići ovaj put s 8 navoja, pa opet bobići i na kraju mreža.

That wasn´t the end of resurch Smile. Crochet hook no.0,5 was calling my name. New crochet adventure. More demanding: I wanted to make the rosette from cathedral. Little 6 petals flower, row with popcorns, sticks with 8 time yarn over hook, and another row with popcorns,all ends with the net.






Skoro cijeli “Ljiljan” je otišao u ova 33 cm cvijeta u mreži, i najvažnije: šifra kako kukičati rozetu je poznata. Winking smile

Naravno da sam se odmah nagradila s malo novoga konca, ovaj za kukicu od 1 mm i pustila sam kukici neka pleše kao joj drago. I dogodilo se ovo:

It is 33 cm wide, and it still need some adjustment, but the code how to crochet a rosette is broken. Winking smile

I rewarded  myself  with new cotton yarn for cr. hook 1mm and just let it do as it pleases. This is what happened:


Dogodila se kukičana mandala s kojom sam jako zadovoljna i mislim da će krasiti nečiju torbicu vrlo skoro. Umjesto bobića koji dosta zatežu pletivo mogu se staviti perlice, i to ću uskoro probati.

Crocheted mandala happened. I am quite happy with this and I think it will adorn one little purse.

Poduzimate li i vi ovakve eksperimente?

Do you undertake crochet adventures?

Red heart Amalicro!

24. travnja 2014.

Zalihe konca–Yarn Supplies

Odlučila sam sebi postaviti izazov: ne kupovati nove konce dok ne potrošim postojeće. Ili kako obaviti proljetno pospremanje najomiljenijeg ormara na svijetu. I tako su krenuli projekti, a jedan od njih je zaista temeljito smanjiti količine konca “Janja”. Jest da je to moj omiljeni konac i veliko veselje je raditi na kukicu 1,25 mm, i upravo zbog toga moram hitno potrošiti ovo što imam i još hitnije poći po nove, još veće količine.

I have chalenged myself: I will not buy any new yarn untill I crochet all yarn supplies there are in my cabinet. Well, that is not such a big problem, because now I have something to look forward: the new yarn supplies!


Odlučila sam se za dužu majicu koja se može nositi u proljeće kao prsluk i ljeti kao majica. Radim posebno prednju i stražnju stranu jer tako imam samo 164 očice na svakoj strani pa je lakše i brže raditi.

This project is tunic and I crochet it with crochet hook 1,25 mm, it will make my cabinet seriuosly empty – from my point of view.


Drugi projekt je sivi prsluk na kopčanje od konca “Mirabela”, a taj radim drugačije: sve odjednom, bez šavova. Malo je zamorno u jednom redu odraditi 250 očica, ali će zato kasnije biti lakše. Možete pretpostaviti da to nisu jedini konci u ormaru, ali neću vam reći sve danas. Winking smile

Another thing I crochet is a vest, crochet hook 3mm. And of course, this is not all I have to do to make my cabinet “cristal clear”, but I will not tell you everything today.

What makes me curious is how do you handle your yarn stocks? Is it dificult for you to say goodbye to old pile of colorful bundles and make room for new supplies?

Odavno sam već zaključila da trebam malo počistiti, ali nekako mi se teško rastati s koncima. Imate li i vi taj problem, jeli se i vama teško od šarenih klupka rastati?

Red heart Amalicro

19. travnja 2014.

Happy Easter!

My dear crochet friends,

                            Happy Easter!


3. travnja 2014.

Cell Phone Cover Case Wristlet

Drage moje prijateljice kukičalice,

u zadnje vrijeme dogodilo mi se puno loših stvari jedna za drugom, a zadnja od njih je najtvrdoglavija gripa koju sam ikad srela. Zato je nastala ova pauza na blogu, koju ću nadoknaditi ovih dana. Sada vam predstavljam dvije futrolice za mobitele i to s malim dodatkom da se mogu nositi oko ruke.

My dear crochet friends,

lately, some very bad things happened to me and my family and the last one was the most stuborn flue I ever had. So, now I am ready tu ketch up with you. I am presenting two new phone case covers.

phone cae 3

Kao što vidite, uhvatilo me proljeće, pa su futrole u cvjetnoj mustri, s cvjetićem privjeskom i “narukvicom” u žarko narančastoj boji.

This is wristlet in vivid orange colour, with flower pattern and beaded pendent.

phone case

Druga futrola je u boji lavande s privjeskom i narukvicom. Obje su kukičane od tankog konca, na kukicu 1,25 mm.

The second wristlet is in lavender colour, with beaded pendant. 

phone case 8

Željela sam veselu proljetno – ljetnu torbicu za mobitel koja će vam pomoći da “ne posijete” mobitel i uživate u boravku na otvorenom. Za svaki slučaj sam dodala narukvicu i privjesak kao dodatno osiguranje protiv zaboravljivosti.

phone case 6

I wanted to make a practical and gorgeous spring – summer phone case, the one that will prevent loosing your cell phone.

Obje torbice su dostupne u Amalicro etsy shop!